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What is the cost (to YOU) for your child to start school in the Fall – Public School?

I have a Junior in High School and I was just going over his paperwork for school. It will cost us $492 to this fall for him to start his Junior year. I have 3 other kids (all older) and it was NEVER this high for Public School!

Parking at our school is $200 for the year. My kid’s at COLLEGE pay that.

The Sports fee is $120 per sport with a $360 max. We will hit that max during baseball season.

It is over $1500 to be a Cheerleader here too. I remember back in the late 70’s all my parents had to buy me were $12 shoes. I just bought my son $130 Football cleats, $45 receiver gloves, $50 padded compression shorts…oh how times have changed…

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With the amount of money we shell out every year for the “extras” that the PUBLIC schools do not provide, I am expecting an AMAZING and truly comprehensive education for my children and thus far, I have not been disappointed so I can’t complain TOO much. However, the “additional” costs are ridiculous.

For my daughter, a High School SENIOR this year, we have a clothing budget for her of $350.00. That money must buy her clothing, including all of her uhm intimates, shoes and a backpack. There are lab fees, and activity fees that total $75.00 PLUS she needs an $80.00 graphing calculator this year. Because she is a Senior, we are paying $110.00 for her senoir portrait (that is the cost of the sitting ONLY, plus for the photo of her choice to be published in the year book).

We need to budget for prom, the all night after prom party sponsored by the High School ($35.00), Graduation Night (also $35.00), and all of the school supplies needes which usually casts around $100.00. Excluding the Prom”stuff” we are looking at a MINIMUM of $680.00!!!!!!!! OUCH! Thankfully the parking for senoirs is free of charge. We are very fortunate that our daughter works part time and believes in spending her money as well on her education … she has offered to give us 1/2 of the expense. Which of course we took and put into a CD for her.

My son, who is entering the 3rd grade, is not quite so costly. We also budgeted money for his school clothes but since he hasn’t discovered brand names yet I can get away with $200.00 for clothes and shoes! Thank GOD!!! The only fees for him other than clothes are supplies which we got this weekend at $65.00 (including the backpack) and the field trips which is $22.00. We also join the PTO at $7.00 and his sporting fee for baseball this year will be $110.00. My son’s total is $404.00. Together, for BOTH children it will cost my husband and I an addtional $1,084.00. Thankfully, our oldest son is attending a community college on financial aid and our youngest daugther is not slated to start K until next fall. PLUS, with another on the way …. HOLY COW!!! The pocket book will be slim pickings for the next SEVERAL YEARS. I can’t imagine how families with 3 of 4 or 5 children in scholl all at the same time do it!

But you know my friend, I cannot think of a better way to invest my money than in my child’s education. I live in a town that is know for their education excellence so as I mentioned before, I take all of these extra expenses with a grain of salt!


About $300 for clothes and supplies and $8 a week if we opt for school lunches. He’s going into 1st grade.

$200 to park on a public school lot your tax dollars pay for? That’s ridiculous.

Of course, when I was in high school, I worked through the summer to pay for “extras” like club fees and dues, sports equipment, etc. as did most kids in my school.

oh how times have changed…


My cheerleading shoes were only $30.00 in 1993 and I remember my dad complaining about that.

My kids aren’t in school yet as my oldest just turned 4 but I am preparing myself. Luckily the grandparents are very involved with our children and think sports are very important in a child’s life (as do I). They will buy them everything they need for their sports.

I just hope to find a school that actually lets their children compete. I find it sickening and strange that our youth are being subjected to this “let everyone play” mentality. What is wrong with competing and trying their hardest? If they don’t have the drive then where will they end up as adults? The welfare line?


The really sad part is that we used to have to work and save our own money for “extras” in school, even for prom. It blows my mind the money that people spend on proms these days.

Limo’s, 4 star restaurants etc. For what?

We drove ourselves in our parents car, and ate where ever we could afford to.

You have to pay for parking? Aren’t our taxes supposed to pay for that? We never had to pay to park in the senior lot.

Boy! Times have changed.


I am sending my first child to kindergarten this year. It costs $24. I spent about $35 in school supplies.

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