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For all the teachers and Education majors?

In New York State, more specifically Long Island, what is the best subject that one can major in? I’ve heard that when it comes to English Majors in Education- they are a dime a dozen. I’m conflicted between Biology (a science), History (social studies) or a language (althought language is something I’m really not sure about). My minor is Elementary Ed. with an extension for 7-8 grades. Please help me decide. Thank you.

Top 5 Answers
Giovanni McAdoo

Favorite Answer

math, science and foreign language, specifically spanish are all in high demand

Unfortunately you’re right: English is popular. I’d go with Biology – always a need for math and science areas. OR… do special ed. BIg need for that, too, and you could teach English, most likely.

Biology. There is a shortage of math and science teachers right now.

I would def. go with Biology…a sure shortage of Math and Science teachers!

4 years ago
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