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What have we achieved so far in the field of education?

What have we achieved so far in the field of education?

Top 4 Answers
☼ procrastin8 Ψ

Favorite Answer

Education is the business that has made the least changes since the 1950’s. I’d say the biggest advancement in education would be the right for a free and appropriate education regardless of race, ethnicity, social class, etc.

magdi a
Universal Secondary Education

As my cousin the administrator says, High School was never meant for the masses. We dumbed it down and use it societally as a babysitting service. Add the Liberal agenda and politically correct attitude, it is little more than grade school.

Now we are doing the same with colleges. Any dummy can now get a degree and, in fact, is has grown into an expectation in life. More dumbing down. I attended classes that gave you an automatic “C” for simply showing up for 75% of the classes. In reality, many folks would be better off entering the work force and then being able to present a resume with 4 years of experience as opposed to 4 years of what passes for college these days. We are in a continuing spiral of lowering our expectations…


Dumbing kids down in accordance with the liberal agenda, ill-preparing them for life (except for some dumb liberal arts college curriculum) and making them conform to every socialist ideal.

And then when they wriggle too much in their seats from boredom, they label them with a poltically correct “disease” and drug them.


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