how do I become a teacher?
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The only exceptions to this could be with grades K-2 in which case an education degree can also be used and might even be better.
Then you need to take some additional class required differently by different states/countries. Usuaully Special Education is one of them.
Some states require you design a class (syllibus) and then student teach an existing class for 10 weeks.
In the US you are required to take the Praxis test for the grade area and subject you intend to teach.
Then you become certified and apply to a school system that has openings and go where they place you.
So you figure you’ll be teaching your first class probably no earlier than age 23
Some states do have career switcher programs that will allow you to get started on your teacher on a probationary basis, while you are taking some “teacher” classes. Math and science teachers are usual in high demand in most places.
A REAL teacher is very well educated!
A bachelors in Education (4-5 years) is the basic.
Specialized in a subject [math, science, PE] for the grade level of the students you wish to teach.(pre-K) (primary education), ( intermediate education) or ( special skills/ life skills -special needs) add another semester or two.
If you want to teach a higher level or become a principle or school counselor, you must have a Masters in Education. [counseling, administration] etc..
Go look around NOW- many junior colleges have excellent “teachers” programs and the on site daycare is your “lab”. Wonderful first hands on experience and about a quarter of the price of a four year university. Save that for the last two years and specialization.
Now, many professionals currently holding a degree in almost any thing, can get “certified” to become a teacher with about two semesters of college, to allow them to teach almost any subject. Many of these have to “teach” the basics of the classroom management on the “job”, which is not best for the kids (in my opinion).
Best wishes
MANY scholarships are out there for furture teachers, ask your guidence person or look it up.
This is a remarkable job and it will allow you to be a GREAT mother and have lots of time to be with them, more than any other career. I highly recommend it, Its not much money, you will NEVER get rich being a teacher, yet you will be a very happy person.