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What grades would you rather teach and why??

Would you rather teach 1st or 2nd grade or would you rather teach 3rd or 4th grade? Why did you pick those grades? If you have any experiences teaching those grades….please tell me them. Thank You!!

Top 7 Answers
George Y

Favorite Answer

I’ve taught everything from kindergarten to High School and Adult Ed. Currently I teach 4th grade and absolutely love it!

3rd and 4th graders still have that enthusiasm for learning, but don’t “know it all” yet. They’re also fairly independent, which lets you work with individuals or small groups while the rest of the class is working or doing research. The conversation level with them can be pretty mature and they’re at the age where they’re learning core community values.

1st and 2nd graders are great, as they NEED you so much. They grow amazingly those two years and will blossom under your watch.

For me, I like 3rd and 4th grades. However, every teacher has a ‘niche’ where they, their style, and their personality works best. I hope you find yours.


I personally would settle for Kindergarten or First Grade. So I basically would have them at the beginning of their school career, which is fine to me. To me, it’s a reward to know that you taught these children the basics they need to know when they get older, even though they will not remember how much you helped them out.

I was a service learner for a Kindergarten class my senior year in high school and loved every minute of it. They are are never in a bad mood and know how to make the best of things. The down side is the constant telling on each other and those few who have “accidents” before making it to the bathroom on time. Although it may seem like a stressful day, it may be rewarding at the end of the day.

But then again, that’s my own opinion. I never considered being an elementary teacher until being with Kindergarten children my last year of high school, and I’m pretty glad that I did. I love working with children and can’t wait until I can finally teach them myself!


I would rather teach 1st and 2nd grades. Kids are really eager to learn new things, and they will teach you a lot, too. I had worked for 2 years on a 1st grade, and the results were great! Students’ attitudes in the classroom were better than expected, although I was teaching them a foreign language IN a foreign language.

I should say that kids rule, don’t you think?


First grade is extremely demanding. Here in Utah, where I teach, there is more turnover in grades 1, 5, & 6 than other grade levels. I definiately wouldn’t go there. You just get burned out too fast from how NEEDY then can be… especially when they first come to you straight from Kindergarten. I student taught in first grade and there was a boy who spent the first half the year peeing his pants.

Fourth or third would be my preference. I hear great things about both those grade levels; personally, I’d choose fourth. (I currently teach fifth.) I like the kids to be independent and not to have to solve the petty arguments like you do in the younger grades. And I like having intelligent conversations with young minds. So that’s my vote.

(I did my student teaching in fourth and LOVED it. I also taught in first and …it was nice.)


I like teaching the younger grades, K-2. I think that at the early ages the students still really look up to their teachers adn think they are great. I taught K for 12 years and now teach second grade.

I taught Junior High. I loved!!!

neither for both. All kids are stupid.

Oh how can I talk I got knocked up by some gay guy, and now I’m having triplets. Please email me and help ME.


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