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Wellness Wheel Programming Ideas?

I am trying to come up with a list of programs centered around the wellness wheel. The wellness wheel I am working with consists of the following components: spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social, physical, and occupational. Do you have any good program ideas for each of these components? Many thanks!

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Spiritual – a yoga class or other type class that works on mental relaxation, time for quiet thought etc.

Intellectual – How about an IQ test night? Have everyone come and take the test OR a trivia night (Who Wants to be a Millionaire style).

Emotional – Find “the colors” test. Res Life pro staff should know what that is. Have everyone find out about their personality and their strengths and weaknesses.

Social – ice cream social, PB&J night, weekly “24” “Heroes” or any other tv show night.

Physical – get everyone to join an intermurals team together. Everyone go out and play dodgeball/kickball or some other fun team game.

Occupational – Resume building! Have a guest speaker from Career Services come and talk about resumes and how to make them stronger.


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