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Steve A

Regarding grad school application:grades over my first two years are poor,but I have a 3.73 thereafter.?

I have ten F’s on my transcript and numerous dropped courses. This is for various reasons; mainly, I was working two jobs while attending school full-time in the beginning, and I was irresponsible. When I decided I wanted to purusue grad school (I hope to obtain an MBA), I made school a priority, and my grades from then on are strong. I’ve taken 19 classes since I dedicated myself, and I have 15 A’s, 3 B’s and 1 C over this period. I also took 24 hours last semester (resulting in 6 A’s and 2 B’s) and 12 hours this summer (4 A’s, 4.0) .

My question is, will the good work over my last 100 hours, or so, be enough to overcome the shabby work that preceded it?

Also, does my being able to make *almost* straight A’s while taking a riduculous number of hours (ie 24 during regular semesters and 12 during summers) demonstrate something that the admissions council looks for?

Help is much-appreciated.

Top 2 Answers

Favorite Answer

Did you retake the classes that you got F’s in? That would be the best thing to do.. take them again earn a higher grade and then they will be gone.

But for now the F’s will be there.


4 years ago
go rapidly into regulation college or paralegal study now. Its in comparison to there are jobs available begging for English majors. My daughter went into grad college suitable away and he or she did super. recommendations you she replaced right into a BA in economics getting an MSc in technologies administration and interior the sciences you will get a GA which will pay the instructions and then some.

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