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YOUR ADVICE…what should I do? Ten Points for bestanswer!!!!!?

OK, last year I did exceptionally well in school, managing A+ averages each quarter…So my teachers in my college-prep classes promoted me to honors next year…so I’ll be in all honors classes. (Next year is my Junior year).

However, my junior friends told me that next year is going to be ten times harder…plus I want to make it onto the National Honor Society/Italian Honor Society…my mom gets upset if I stumble and fall once in a a school year (No grades below an A)

So I was thinking about getting a part time job, join the Math Club,newspaper staff, Yearbook Committee, and SADD(Students Against Destructive Decisions), maybe Tennis…yeah I know, alot:-)

But is this even possible?…i do have a lot of volunteer hours already and community service, but I know I still need more experience to get onto the NHS/IHS

Or should I just focus mainly on school and forget about the societies (I just don’t want to upset my mom)


Top 5 Answers
Anne M

Favorite Answer

Congrats on your awesome achievements!

The thing to keep in mind in high school (particularly the last two years) is that the most important thing going on is your grades. Your grades will determine what colleges accept you, and, most importantly, whether you’ll be eligible for scholarships. The difference between an “A” and a “B” is huge at this level. Your mom is right. Everything should come second to your grades. Being involved in societies may be required by the NHS, but if your grades fall, you definitely won’t make it in anyway!

However, it’s also important that you have a well-balanced life….not too much studying, not too much partying, etc. You can do this and still get all “A”‘s if you have the ability.

So my advice would be, don’t join things just for the sake of joining them, or to try to do something you think the NHS wants. The NHS is a cool honor, but it’s something that in a few years no one is really going to be caring about (including you). It’s a high school thing, and you’ve got to get your sights set on college now.

If there are one or two activities you really WANT to be a part of, because you think you’d enjoy them and they’d enrich your life, then by all means sign up for them. But don’t just join everything because you think someone else would be impressed. All that will happen is you’ll be too tired to study and to have fun doing the things that are truly important to you, and your grades will suffer.

Congrats again, and good luck!!


Sean E
Obviously the person who answered first didn’t read that you were taking college-prep courses and are not in college yet. That seems like a lot of extracurricular activities and a part-time job and keeping your grades up. Personally I would do the job and maybe 2 or 3 of the activities (the ones less demanding on my time) because in college selection GPA and SAT scores are the first criteria. Everything is secondary, including national honor society. Those type of things help with scholarships and honors college, but as a college graduate I can tell you that being in honors college doesn’t guarantee you the best jobs out of college. Neither does your GPA for that matter. Do what you have to do get into college, and then become a well-rounded individual.

I was a pretty good kid too in highschool managing a 3.8 but the rest of the kids were 4.2. Damn smart anyway 11th grade was NOT the hardest year. You are really packin’ your schedule up and even though that’s a good thing and it’ll look great in ur records..damn that’s also enough to drive a teenager insane..

Don’t put too much on your plate. Keep up ur grades and join a club, sport….even volunteer..but don’t let it take you away from your social life. You’ll end up worn out before you reach college.


You’re a junior in college, and you’re worried about upsetting your mom?

Way to live your own life. Seems to me it doesnt matter what anyone on here tells you, so Um, how about you go ask your mommy what to do then dear. Ha ha


u can cut down on community join 1 or 2 (i recommend) society only.leaves u plenty of time to catch up with your school work(:

Give your grades a lift Order