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Is College Bullshit?

It is necessary or is mostly bullshit?

keep in mind i have no plans of droping out of college?

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I have one more semester left to complete my BS (pun very much intended), and I have been working in my field for over a year now. I would approximate that 15% OR LESS of the information in my overall coursework I have or will ever use in the real world. Consequently, yes, college is mostly bullshit if you mean if it is applicable to your chosen field; but the point of the degree is to show that you can learn, follow through despite the bullshit, and obtain some basic level of knowledge. The information the professors and coursework gives students makes us well-rounded, too, and devolops all kinds of different thinking abilities, such as critical analysis and problem-solving. In addition, you never know where life will take you or what future interests you might have. Today, people often change their careers dramatcially, as their needs/interests evolve. You never know when you might need some the the bullshit your school is packing in your brain now in the future. At the very least, the more you know and use your mind, the smarter you become, which is the best benefit of all the bullshit, ya know?

5 years ago
College is very important. You’re not going to learn anything much in the classroom. Classes only exist to provide a modicum of structure and prevent you, to some degree, from running wild and becoming a serious danger to the community. But college does provide a perfect environment for learning to enjoy sex, drugs, booze, and other things you weren’t allowed to do at home, and it is a great place for meeting a spouse and establishing social connections that will help you in your career.

it’s society’s new way of segregating people.. what you learn in college is pretty useless. However, as an employer.. they’re not stupid, they also know this. The thing is, people who go to college and finish college are much more self-motivated, can prove they see goals to the end, and work harder than someone who isn’t. Those character traits are worth the premium of having a higher quality employee who will likely be more productive.

Would you really want to hire a slacker who has a negative attitude, cuts corners, misses work/school because they’re always hungover?

Also, statistically, there’s a direct correlation between income and a degree. Without a degree, you can almost assure that you’ll be poor. If you have a degree, you can almost assure that you will not be poor.

Is that enough reason to suck it up and do it?


Depends on what you major in.

It’s necessary for almost all high paying jobs (or at least decent paying jobs).

Stay in school, now I’m an engineer who does nothing but finish the assignments early and goof off but I still get payed almost six digit salary with only a bachelor’s degree (And a fews years of experience). Graduating from college is a thing that I never regretted.


Jared B
College is very important for a lot of people in search of demanding careers. I’m pretty sure you know the answer to this question. Would you want your doctor or dentist saying college is “bullshit”? I’m sure you don’t. If that was the case, you would leave the hospital or dentistry facility worse off than you were before you came! Your chosen profession may not need further education, but highly ranked positions need to be filled by college educated individuals.

Mr. Niceguy
It depends on what you do with it. If you are looking for a carreer, then (unless you are obsessed with some accademic subject) pick something practical and career oriented. For example, engineering, nursing, or other major that are geared toward certification in a field with demand can be useful

On the other hand, if you just go and get any old degree its a waste — especially if you get a generic “Art & Sciences” degree. Simply having a degree will not help you — I know a lot of people with degrees, even a couple with advanced degrees, who work low-paying dead end jobs that along side highschool drop-outs.


What are you planning in majoring in? Sociology? English? Women’s studies? Yeah, that’s probably a waste of time and money. But if you want to be a doctor, lawyer, or scientist, it’s the only way to go. So no, college is not bullshit.

some of it is. many graduates say that over 70% of there job consist of stuff they didnt learn in college. but hey…if playing the bullshit game of college gets me a good paying job then deal me a hand…

Ms. Tee
well some of the things that some classes put u through i would say are bullshit, but college in general in a excellent educational source and is the provider for most things in life.. they may bput u through hell!!! but one day it will all be worth it

It depends largely on your prospective job field. For some jobs, a college education is essential, but for others it’s basically a sign that you screwed around for four years so you could get some pretty words on your resume.

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