cognitive skills?
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2. Uses: In all fields, professionals are constantly acquiring knowledge (new techniques, new tecnology, etc.) or, at least, should; in order to do that, cognitive skills are a key factor.
3. Actions: Courses provide the chance for new and experienced professionals to learn more and to exchange experiences with one another.
4. Outcomes: personal gains (to each participant), technical expertise, profit, etc.
5. Assessment:
(A) informal observation: before the training or the courses, watch the employees’ performance and also their interaction. Take notes. These will help you figure out what kind of training they will need.
(B) Formal observation (survey): participants, either individually or in groups (whatever suits your purpose), are asked a few questions; tape record the whole survey so you can assess it later. This can be done twice: before and after the training (so you can compare and contrast).
In addition, it is important that you have some knowledge of “learning styles”. Google: Richard Felder, Learning Styles.