public schools?
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Yes, i agree the public schools in Tennessee are lacking in several ways!!
Public schools are funded by taxes. If you have a state with not many people, or if the average income is not very high, then there isn’t as much money to spread around. Or if you have a lot fo people who don’t have children–senior citizens who already raised and paid for their kids’ education or young people who don’t yet have kids or have decided not to have any–they won’t be crazy about voting to increase their taxes to benefit somebody else’s kids.
Some states (and I do NOT know this to be true about Tennessee) don’t offer much reason for teachers to want to live there.
Most k-12 teachers are women, and women are typically underpaid as are men in typically women’s jobs. Some states (and I don’t know about TN) are still behind the times when it comes to women’s rights.
So, I think you haven’t done your homework. Also, the schools aren’t only to blame when scores are low. Parents have to take an active role in their children’s education.
I go to a private school and I’m not saying you’re wrong, because I do not know, I’m just saying that you should think about it before you decide you’re right. =P