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Curiosity (R.I.P.)

Which Major should I go for?

I want to research DNA when I get older. What does this specific gene do? Where in the genetic strand will I find the deciding factor for the mole on my calf? Stuff like that. The problem with all of this is that when I look at all the different majors available there is stuff like Plant Genetics, Biogenetics, Genetics, etc… It is all way too confusing. I just want to research DNA. Is that too much to ask for? I am still in high school, but I want a head start on all of it. Does anybody know a major that I can work towards that will let me research DNA?

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You are in HS now. Saying that you don’t want all that stuff is kind of like saying that you want to design skyscrapers but you don’t want to learn any other forms of architecture. In order to do what you want — you need to learn the basics first.

Get a solid background in biology and chemistry as an undergraduate. Take lots of classes in all the genetics areas you mention. Then talk to your professors about which route to take in graduate school.

Your undergraduate major isn’t so important — learning all the basics is.


DNA is a part of Genetics. So both Biogenetics and Genetics would work. Also, you could take something more general like Biology. To work doing research in DNA, then you will probably have to do at least a masters, so it really doesn’t matter exactly what your Bachelors is in- it won’t be as specific. Get a bachelors in Biology or Genetics, then you can be more specific with your masters degree.

OK, so you want to research DNA. Awesome. You will have to study/learn about other things in order to get your degree such as Biology, Chemistry, psych, some kind of math class… I would look at colleges that have great Research programs in genetics and the like. If you are an undergrad, you’ll have to do something like genetics first as your BS and then for your masters/PhD work you can specify in DNA research.

Ask your guidance counselor at school or look up schools on and go from there.

Good luck!


Biomedical engineering. 😀

There are many fields inside biomedical engineering. You can research what you want if you go to the right university. You can basicaly do anything like biogenetics, but get paid more because you have an “engineering” degree.

Thats what i’m going into, and i’m interested in genetics and deoxyribonucleic acid also! I chose biomed engineering because you get paid a hell of a lot more, and you get to do the same things.

Anyways, if you do go into biomedical engineering, it helps if you get a PHD/MD (medical degree) and then you can work in clinicals, which is better 🙂

but this is just what i’m doing, you may want something better.

do some more research, find out how much you get paid in different fields. Its worth it.


░Patric – The Smart One░
To get the right answer you should ask your high school counselor or ask the college you plan to attend. Sorry but it would be better for them to figure it out.

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