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Am I doing too Much for college?

Good grades and decent SAT score, but I’m really involved in a lot of things… I heard a friend mention they didn’t get accepted to their college because the dabbled too much in everything, but I’d like to think I’m very involved in what i do… As much of it as there is

Simply put; how do i know if I’ve got to much stuff to gloss my resume, and when i apply for my school, how do i make it clear that i’m involved in all that I Do…

I’ll be Class VP 2 years running, a member of Science Club and the debate team, I started a stock market club, and I play tennis… although i rank pretty well in tennis, plus i volunteer on weekends helping little kids learn, i tutor science, and volunteer at animal shelter… Plus a bunch of little things… do i just stick to the big things like that or should i use the little things too to boltser may standings

Or have i got it completely messed up??? Thanks for your help I’m just really worried I’ve been doin all this stuff 4 nuthin

Top 3 Answers

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If your grades do not suffer b/c of your extracurricular activities, it should look very good. I would use the big things on my application, but if the entrance essay gives you a chance definitely mention the little things. As long as you do these things consistnetly rather that just ‘dabble’ and then quit them it will look better.

Your activities are fine, I wouldn’t take up anything else, especially if it takes away from your schoolwork. Colleges are schools, and they want you to stay with them. Ultimately your achievements in the classroom are much more important to them because that’s a reflection of whether you’ll do well in college or not. Unless you’re a super athlete, how many activities you have outside of class is pretty irrelevant. (Other than church activities, I didn’t have much of anything, and I got into Carnegie Mellon.)

BTW, the college will not tell you why they didn’t choose you to attend, so your friends’ reason isn’t why they didn’t get in.


List it all, just be sure to list details about everything, like how much time you put into it and what you really do.

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