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im a college student with in state license plates but out of state drivers license, is that illegal?

I bought the car in Texas, so I had to get Texas tags and insurance, but Im from New Jersey and my license hasnt expired yet. I have residency in Texas and New Jersey and Im a full time college student. If I took a trip home and got pulled over in New Jersey, would I get a ticket?

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No, I don’t think so. If everything’s up to date, I’m pretty sure it’s fine to have a license and plates that don’t “match.” College students aren’t expected to renew their licenses in their college state because it would be a severe pain in the, AND because you’re probably still claiming New Jersey as your “permanent” residence. It’s silly to get a new license in another state where you don’t know if you’ll be staying for a long period of time (you have to pay for it again and all this and that), and you actually can’t have two licenses from two different states at the same time. If you got a Texas license, you’d have to relinquish your NJ license. I found this out after losing my home-state license at the bar and having to figure out where and how to get a new one – when you’re a student, it’s best to keep your home-state license. And I’m pretty sure they can’t punish you for not wanting to drive your car all the way back to NJ just to get NJ plates and insurance.

Anyway, what you could do is just call the DMV in whatever state you’re in now and ask about it. The DMV has usually been pretty helpful to me about such things.

Good luck!


It shouldn’t be a problem, as long as you have all the papers to back things up it shouldn’t be a problem.

Just remember to have you story straight when you get pulled over and at border crossings. They get suspicious when things don’t match up.

As a student you are not a perament resident of the state you are studying in unless it’s your home state. You are able to buy out of state vehicles, it all part of living in a federation.

I’m from Canada, similar rules apply.


Both Texas and New Jersey make up your mind Texas or New Jersey???? 2 tickets one for TX and 1 for NJ…

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