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How can I get a (Bachelors in Social Work) BSW?

I am transferring to a Cal-State College in a few months, but I never see anything about a BSW only Bachelors in Sociology and Psycology. Is that just a special name for a Sociology degree? What is the deal?

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Cal state college appears to be an online degree mill. Do you mean Cal State University? If so which campus? To get a BSW you need to go to a school with an accredited program. You can get a full list of accredited programs at DO NOT get a BSW from an unaccredited school it will not be worth very much.

The advantages of an accredited BSW degree is that it is portable across states, it can be licensed in those states that license BSW’s and will allow you to be eligible to apply for advanced standing in MSW programs that have this option. DA


A BSW is not just a special name for a bachelors in sociology or psychology, it is a degree in the completely different field of social work. The course work, while in some ways is complementary to psych and soc, is in most ways very different. You need to find out whether the college you are transferring to has a social work program (not all colleges and universities do.)

I believe it is more specialized in the social work area than a BA. Pretty much I have found that you are limited either way with just a bachelors in this particular field, and even when I was in college (mid-90’s) it seemed that my BA in psych was almost like just a stepping stone to the next level. Therefore, if you are thinking for the long term start to consider what you would like to do with your degree and if a masters (or possibly even further) would be necessary.

5 years ago
Loyola college is the original all MCC is also ok all others are armature theatricals

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