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army questions?

i want to go to a university, but i’m also thinking of joining the army. i know all of the great benefits (money$$, getting stronger mentally and physically, reduce tax, insurance and other bonuses) but i also hear that the army does not give all of them…

can someone persuade me into joining or not joining the army? and how hard is the basic training?? lol i can only do about 40-45 pushups 😛

Top 4 Answers

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Do not join the army i am currently enlisted and it sucks. They tell you all these things they offer and things you can do and once you become permanent party, they let you know what really goes on. ( Permanent party= after you pass basic training(boot camp) and A.I.T(advanced individual training) )

4 years ago
GI Bill? No for you, Yes for his daughter however it’s Survivor Education advantages. VA Loans? No for either one of you His daughter gets per month cost however you’re going to no longer. I’m burdened as to what qualifies you to obtain the advantages? Plus: Your numbers do not upload up. He’s 35 and was once injured in Iraq five years in the past within the Army. Making him 29/30 on the time of the harm. But, you are saying he began provider at 18 and ended at 25? This all smells humorous. You may not get coverage both until he’s one hundred% disabled proper now and also you get it.

That’s a highly personal decision. What’s right for me won’t be right for you. I think you need to do more investigation of what the Army is all about, including what benefits are actually offered to people performing different jobs. Also check the other branches of the military: Navy, Coast Guard, etc. Lastly, also check into ROTC programs at the universities you’re considering. In fact, if you’re torn, that may be a very good option.

ROTC would pay for your tuition, your books, and some other expenses. Of course, for that, you commit to a certain period of time in service, post-graduation. And you can’t just major in anything – and yet the list of things they will pay for is surprisingly large and diverse. If you’re looking at a specific university, it may be worth it for you to call their ROTC coordinator now and find out more about that program.


I’d go with the uni . u’d better build ur chances in the civilian world early than after u u get discharged. it’s easier if u start early.

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