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For rolling admissions, what is the best time to apply?

For rolling admissions, what is the best time to apply?

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Ken P

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Colleges have several ways of admitting students:

1. Open admissions. If you are alive and fill out the application you are admitted even up to the day classes start. Community colleges usually follow this model.

2. Guaranteed admission with minimum requirements. Schools set certain criteria for test scores, class rank, coursework, etc, and if an applicant meets the criteria they are guaranteed to be admitted. Applicants can apply at any time and know they will be accepted. Some schools will set a deadline for applying but it will be close to start of classes.

3. Selective/competitive admission. Many schools receive more applications than students they can enroll. They set a deadline for accepting applications fairly early in the process in order to give them time to evaluate all their applications and made admission decisions.

Both 2 and 3 can have rolling admissions, that is they notify applicants throughout the application process. In 2, an applicant is notified immediately. In 3, schools can notify some applicants they are admitted before the deadline for accepting applications if they present an application that is outstanding so even these schools can have a rolling admission process.

In case 3 you probably want to get your application in as soon as you can. You can provide additional information if you achieve something significant before the application deadline. In case 1, don’t apply unless you know that is where you will be attending. In case 2 you don’t want to wait until the last minute but you do want to be aware of their deadline and that you meet their admission criteria.


The earlier the better. Rolling admission is a constant process. If the college has your application and everything required for a decision then one will be made quite quickly. I work for a Florida university and we’re making decisions on both fall, spring and soon summer 2008. Apply now 🙂

4 years ago
As early as available. nevertheless they have rolling admissions, which ability that they are going to nevertheless choose your utility by making use of way of the three hundred and sixty 5 days (no genuine set date), you prefer to get your utility in early or indoors the fall. Any later than that, and you’re in the returned of a good number of diverse applicants that would desire to impact your percentages of admission.

It is def best to apply asap. September/October would be the ideal time to send in an application to a rolling college. The earlier you submit your application, the less time it will take to get your results and the more likely you will be accepted. Good luck!

The best time to apply is As Soon As Possible. Rolling admissons means that they fill the class on an ongoing basis, so once they are out of spots…you are out of luck. So get that application in soon!

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