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When Does Fall 2007 Semester Start For You?

When does the fall semester start for you? Are You excited? What are some of your goals? Incoming freshman invited to answer!

My fall semester starts August 20th. I am not excited, but I plan to make at least a 3.8 GPA this semester in order to increase my overall GPA.

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When does the fall semester start for you?

Aug 22nd.

Are You excited?

No, because it will be a tough semester with 16 credit hours (5 classes) and on top of that, I will be broke for the coming year because my financial aid has dropped and they are raising tuition.

What are some of your goals?



Pah! Semester bias! Just kidding…

I go to a quarter school, so Autumn Quarter doesn’t start until September 19. You start school during my Summer Quarter finals week 😉

I cannot wait for Autumn. It’s a ghost town around here and I miss my friends who went home this summer. Move-in is great to watch (6000+ clueless college students trying to bring way more stuff than they ought) and the thousands of people at our Involvement Fair is a site to see. My classes are going to be crazy, but potentially fun.


Shooting for all As (except possibly Stats).

Not die.


Monday August 27th I’m actually pretty excited but seriously nervous because I’m considering taking 18-19 credits, so it’s a huge stress and work load. I just want to get a lot done because I’m planning to double major in English and Advertising, but I’m unsure of how many classes I’m gonna take. Plus I plan on getting very involved which I’m really excited to do.

The fall semester classes start on August 27…gotta be there a week early though as I have meetings and such (college professor).

for me August 22

i am excited

i plan to make all A’s (i will try)

and keep up my 3.66 gpa

i’m taking 18hrs (6 classes) took 18hrs last semester and did real good so i can do it again.


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