How bad is it to have a “W” on your transcript?
The class has gotten way too difficult within the past week and I’m just wondering if I should take the “W” or risk getting a D or F on my transcript? Also, does a “W” affect my gpa? And will having 2 within one year look bad for when I transfer?
Favorite Answer
I’ve never attended a school where a W was calculated into my GPA.
I transferred with several Ws on my transcript, and was admitted to law school with even more. I think that admissions committees pay very little if any attention to Ws if the rest of your academic record is strong.
How bad is it to have a "W" on your transcript?
I already have one "W" on my transcript, which I wasn't aware of until I actually saw my grade after semester was over (apparently I didn't show up to class enough, and the teacher put a "W")..and I am now approaching the deadline to drop one of my classes and receive a…
Not really. It’s definitely better than a low mark or a fail. As long as you have all the credits required at the end, it shouldn’t matter much.