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OPTIONAL SUBJECT IN XI -computer/economics???


I am a student of class XIth SCIENCE- CBSE Board

My aim is to take Computer Science Engineering

My school offers 2 subjects as option – computer and economics.

I want to ask that if I take Eco, and do computer (c and c++) by myself side by side using a book without a teacher, would it be very difficult to cope up? And would it affect my career in any way?

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i think it would be better if u take computer science as sub & eco as optional cos computer recquires guidance to understand the logic behind a prograamme but in eco it is basically all mugging up

U r in CBSE now too in ur Class XIth

If u take Compuer Science really it wl help u a lot… Me too a CBSE student too…

If u take CS u have the following options:

u can join B.E / BTech and further M Tech.


if u want arts stream u can join BCA or B Sc Computers and do ur MCA.

And about the Syllabus of Class XI & XII. I thik still they are using Sumita Arora book,,, It is really good u can have a in depth knowledge of C, C++, SQL, Data Structures etc…

Really the knowledge would help u if u take CS as a subject rather leaning C, C++ as a additional certificate course

Krishna KK


[email protected]


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