what are some good colleges that i can apply to with a 2.5 grade point average?
i just graduated from high school with a 2.5 grade point average and i want to go to college. what are some good colleges that will accept me with my C grade point average. if anyone knows please give me a list of them so that i can apply. thanks so much
Top 7 Answers
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try collegeboard.com look at the colleges your intersted in, and look at the average GPAs of freshman, that should help. if you dont find one you like try a community college for 2 yrs. [try to bring up your GPA] and then transfer to another college. good luck!
There are a lot of colleges out there that will take incoming students with only a 2.0 average. However, a community college is a great place to start to get your GPA up and then transfer to a larger college. Good luck!
You should really start at a community college and bring your GPA up. When you transfer to a four year school they usually don’t look at your high school transcripts.
You could look at collegeboard and find schools that focus more on the interview, essay, or extracurricular activities but if your really looking into getting into a good school, def. start with community college.
I’d look into the local community colleges. They usually are easier to get into and are a lot cheaper. You can do a year or two there and “prove yourself” and transfer to a traditional University.
Good luck!
theirs a lot of colleges who would take you. you should try Chowan University in NC. you could try Youngstown university in Ohio. you could try central Penn in Pennsylvania. Theirs also Wilmington College in Delaware. You could some colleges in FL and a lot of colleges in WV would accept you with that g.p.a. but you didn’t even say what your A.C.T or S.A.T scores were but you’ll be fine.
5 years ago
Looks like your on your way to either MIT or Rennsalear Polytechnic. Give them a shot when it’s time to apply.Good luck.
Try SUNY Plattsburgh. It’s a good school that might accept that grade. Maybe UMaine-Farmington.