How to plan an efficient schedule for studying?
i m working on my thesis in masters degree.. how to plan an efficient schedule for work and follow it with out gabs..
i always do schedules but they fail after the first day..
any suggestions or personal experience to share?
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I had to write my master’s thesis just this past spring. I started out with good intentions about a year before it was due, but about a month into it I had all but forgotten about it. I kept thinking I have a ton of time, I’ll do it later. Well, later crept up on me, and a few weeks before it was supposed to be finished about all I had done was rip a few articles out medical journals. I ended up doing a year’s worth of research in a few evenings and writing the ENTIRE thesis in two days. I got up in the morning, sat down at the computer, and wrote until about ten at night, only stopping to let my eyes rest after staring at the screen for hours. My point is that I would not recommend this method. I know you said that you start with schedules and they fail, I’m the same way. I think that instead of having a “schedule”, you could set up deadlines every few months, or weeks, depending on how much time you have right now. Make a deadline to get X amount of research done by this time, and a deadline to get a rough outline of what you want your thesis to say by this time. it doesnt have to be what you have research on, but an outline to help you know what to look up and what to go more in depth on, and what you can give a more overall look at. It’s a lot of work, but you’ll feel so proud of yourself when its done.
I ended up doing very well with my thesis. It was perfectly written I was told but lost five points on the set up because I spaced my works cited page incorrectly. Oh well! By the time I got to the works cited page my eyes were falling out of my head and i was lucky I even rememberd to include one!!
Good luck! As long as you do a little work at a time, you’ll be just fine 🙂
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