considering UOP for my bachelors?
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As an employer of software engineers, not only do I not recruit from U of P, I actively avoid it. If you sent me your resume, I would not look at it. If you’d been working for ten years since graduation and sent me your resume, I still couldn’t look at it. My company would not hire you. There’s just no way.
Honestly, you’d do better attending your local state college. It likely has a far better rep with local employers than U of P.
If you must attend college online – if it is literally impossible for you to attend a campus based program – then at least look for an online program tied to a reputable, brick and mortar university. So that’s not Devry, or U Phoenix, or ITT, or Kaplan, or Strayer…
It could, however, be:
U Mass Amherst
U Maryland
Ball State U
Carnegie Mellon
Worcester Polytechnic
Rensselaer Polytechnic
Oxford University (if you’re overseas)
U Iowa
U Illinois
U Denver
Also look at your local state university and community college systems. They may actually have this program online – it’s a fairly popular major to do online.