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I am an aspiring pharmacist in college(freshman) completing my prereqs?

I was wondering could I get a job as a pharmacy clerk while in college? I want to work in a pharmacy so I can get a real close daily view of what it is like to be a pharmacist. My real question is are you required to have prior certification to be a pharmacy clerk or can anybody be a one? Thank you for your time and your answers! Have a good day!

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no misinterpretation here……clerks are virtually non-existant.

perhaps this can be your first introduction to the reality of Pharmacy.

Many colleges will require you to have worked in a pharmacy or at the very least have ‘shadowed’ a pharmacist for a week or so. So you are left wondering if it is worth it to become a technician.


I also want to be a pharmacist when I am older 1 for the cash and i like medicine lol… well my mom is a pharmacist and with the pharmacists are pharmacy technicians. They work with the pharmacists but dont actually deal with medicine i dont think. OK Also i dont believe u need to have a degree in anything to be a tech. But idk. BYE

Generally you need to either INTERN on a program or have a BA to be a TECH

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