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Applied Math Courses???


I am currently undergrad Math Student going into 3rd year.

I dont want want to teach later on…so I am considering more of applied courses rather then theoretacal.

I am taking Stats courses which i think would be useful later on.

As far Math in concerend should I take Partial Differential Equations and Real Analysis ?

I took 2 Algebra courses in 2nd year but couldnt see the point of it since i dont want to teach …shoud I leave Algebra out now…?

Doing minon in Economics with it.

Top 1 Answers

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I assume that one of the algebra classes you took was Linear Algebra? If not — take one. Some sort of advanced course in Analysis would be helpful — but Real Analysis is usually all theory. Differential Equations would be helpful. If you ar einterested in finance, take a class where you deal with Brownian motion. Continue with statistics — perhaps taking an econometrics class in the Economics department.

I’d also suggest taking some finance classes — particularly those dealing with options pricing.


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