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What does RSVP mean? and how do i do it……or watever?

coz i have like al these invitations and i never go…but this one i have to go to …but i’ve never rsvp’d before so i basically have no clue at all

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Respondez, s’il-vous plait

(“Respond, if you please”)

It lets me, as the Host, know that you are coming or not coming.

You call up and say, “This is Richard Richards and I will be coming to your ‘End of the World’ party.”


RSVP is short for the phrase “répondez s’il vous plaît”, which basically means, “respond please” in French.

When an invitation includes RSVP, it means that the person who is hosting the party would like to hear from you if you are planning to attend or not. There are many reasons for this, though the most common would be to make sure that there are plenty of places to sit, as well as food, etc. for all the guests.

It is considered customary to write or call (if a number is included in the invitation) to simply say thank you for the invitation, and that you are either looking forward to coming, or that you are very sorry that you will be unable to attend.

Either way, it is always better to do this as soon as you can, and be polite.

I’m very glad you asked this question. Please share your newfound knowledge with all your friends.

Good Luck.


I believe the origin is French (Respondes Vous) you need to respond on whether or not you are coming. It is proper etiquette to make a response even if you are not able to attend. Some invitations are worded just RSVP or “Regrets Only” which then means only respond if you are NOT going.

it’s respondez si’l vous plait which is respond please – any decent card shop should sell myriad of either acceptance or refusal cards for all different occasions so just browse until u find one that u like that fits the bill .either way , whichever response u r going 2 give ,all the wording should b done 4 u in the card so dont stress over the phrasing .hope u enjoy the occasion !

to rvsp means to call that person an tell them you will make it to the party but i am sorry i don’t know what it means

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