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Is university/college that much harder then High school?

I know its harder but i know some people that got good grades in high school but did terribly in unversity.Why the sudden change?

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If you go away to college then you are on your own. No one’s around making sure you are home studying. Sometimes having that kind of personal freedom for the first time in their lives makes it a struggle to focus on school work. The professor gives you the schedule for assignments on the first day of classes. You do the work/ reading or you don’t. It’s on you.

The workload is much higher. It also depends on your field of study. Some classes might have more than one book to read instead of having just one textbook in a semester. Professors only have to have 3 assignments to use for your grade: a midterm exam, final exam, and term paper. That leaves very little room for error on your part. And even those who have more than 3 doesn’t make it easier. Due dates for assignments are close to each other for most classes: midterms, usually one month after that, and then finals.

But it’s not all tough. You are choosing your classes. You select your major, so most of these classes are subjects you are interested in and knowledgable in.


I would say its harder at times… Back in high school a lot was spoon fed to you. You had your parents making sure you had all your work done… teachers looking for missing assignments… and now it’s very much your self… No one cares… there seems to be more test the represents most of your grade that aren’t written straight out of the book… you now have to remember what you read and the teacher’s spin on it with the lecture. There are not those cute worksheets to bump up your grade. Also in college its new! parties, roommates, people, eating habits and allot of the time you are in a new city with a new environment. you need to have a balance of school and taking in all thats new… GOOD LUCK!

my one piece of advice to you is… Write your paper when you first get it … don’t wait till the night before because it is SO hard writing a 5 page paper at 6AM and then having to go to class…. and there is always a party if you miss one because of an assignment its ok… you wont be going to any parties there next year if you don’t pass your classes


It could that the classes your friends took (especially their Senior year) were not very challenging and allowed them to get a high GPA. Then, once in college, they hit the wall because the courses were demanding and they did not have the practice required to work hard to make the grades. In High School, there is still some “hand holding” of students, as teachers realize kids are still developing. In college, forget it. You are on your own.

ALSO: (and this is pretty typical) when a Freshman is away from home for the first time, the taste of independence can be too tempting. Parties take the time that should be used for studying and grades suffer.


indeed college is harder. the hardest thing about going to college for the first year or two is actually going to an early am class or saying no to partying. or should i say, do you want to go to bed at 10pm?

another reason why college is harder, is that professers typically don’t care if you show up to class or if you pass a test. this can be good or bad. college professors are not paid on state salery and most of them are tenured meaning there is a contact where they cannot be terminated unless of special circumstances.


Not only are the classes harder, you must be self disciplined as there is nobody looking over your shoulder telling you you have to go to class, study, do your homework, etc… This combined with the fact that one can always find a party to go to during the college years has killed the GPA of many a bright student.

marc !
its just a different lifestyle especially if you live on-campus. its your choice now. youre not being forced to go.

if you were in advanced or AP/Honors classes in high school you should do okay youre first two years.

The great thing about college for people who didnt do so well in high school or havent been to school in years is that most, if not all, colleges/universities have prep classes to get you ready and prepared for the real thing.

hope i helped.


They partied too much in college. Realize in college your parents no longer make you go to bed and there is always a party somewhere.

College is tougher than high school, but its the lack of studying or even going to class that get people in trouble.


Elaine P…is for Poetry
Yes, it’s harder. The reason: in high school they have to keep you unless you commit a crime. In college they can kick you out if you fail. Then your parents will be furious and not buy you that new BMW.

It matter what your high school was like, with my sister she got okay grades in high school but she only did two research papers and her cp classes were a joke…she went to school in California and the two research papers she did was when we moved to VA..and ending up coming back home

I’ve lived in VA for most my schooling and my sister says i should do well since i wrote my first reserach paper in 7th grade


I don’t think it is “harder”. There are a lot more distractions and you have to be way more self motivated. Lots of these straight A students have their parents or teachers breathing down their necks. Suddenly no one givesashit.

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