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Have you ever made up a funny word?

What was it?

Top 6 Answers
embroidery fan

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My son made up two:

1) We had this ointment, called “A&D ointment”. He misread it, and thought it was “A and Dointment”

2) We said he had to have “an adult” with him. He thought we said, “a nidult”, so he called grown people “nidults” or “nids”, after that.


i may not have made the word but the meaning was funny we were disscussing the word wholesome these people just couldnt get it into their thick head so the class divided into two neither getting really close to an understandable meaning so i came up with an understandable meaning a wholesome character is like wholegrain bread.

Mine would have to be ‘squinch’. I was about 7 years old playing on the computer. I have a bad habit of leaning close to it and squinting. Well, my brother came in the room and told me to stop doing that. I replied, “I can squinch if I wanna squinch!”

Needless to say, I had never heard the word before.

And needless to say, I never heard the end of it, either.


I made up another last night answering another question…

Orgeezm — the feeling you get when you are about to sneeze, but don’t.


i call my bf a darar. u know when ppl say derrrr. u know what i mean. when making fun of someone not so smart, u say duhhh or derrrr. so yeah i just turned it into a noun and call him a darar. and say he is dararded. haha he’s probably the smartest guy in the world though, no exaggerating.

Da Heem = My cat

Gruu = my cat

skink = what my cat does when he walks sideways

hobadee = word for like when you sigh

i’m weird


it was, well, “assholic”-an adjective form of @$$hole

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