Scots Claim , Thay Are Born Poets. Who Else Can Rightly Claim To Be So ?
Some Gifted Few lisp ( Baby-talk) in Numbers ( Poetic
Verses) as these numbers automatically come to them, right?
I’ve seen the Scots Have This Blessing.
Do you know of any other nationalities / races / ethnicity can
lay equal claim to it?
The Scots here can come up with their poetic answers &
others too!
Favorite Answer
To reply, I guess you don’t know any Irish, then. Other than Burns, I can’t name another Scot poet of note whereas I can name many other Irish (Beckett and Collins for example). Therefore, a country that can give rise to so many laureates is, by definition, a land that has a long poetic tradition among its people (and, no, I’m not Irish).